Certificate of Proficiency

Emergency Medical Technician

Revised Date

The EMT Program is a one-semester certificate of proficiency program. Upon successful completion of three courses (EMT 1010/EMSC 10110, Emergency Medical Training course, OT 113/HIMT 11303, Medical Terminology I and BH 113/HBHE 11003, Chronic and Infectious Diseases) students are eligible to earn a Certificate of Proficiency in EMT.  Students who complete the requirements for the Certificate of Proficiency in EMT or complete only the EMT 1010/EMSC 10110 course requirements are eligible to apply to take the State of Arkansas and National Registry EMT-Basic Practical and Written examinations for certification.  An Arkansas criminal background check is required.  Applicants should be aware violation of any federal, state, or local drug law or conviction of a crime may preclude certification as an EMT.  In addition, clinical facilities also may require a criminal background check and/or drug test as a condition of clinical practice in the respective facility.  Inability to complete the clinical portion of the EMT course because of failure to meet these requirements will result in course failure.

Applicants who have a revoked or encumbered license in another healthcare field should check with the Arkansas Department of Health and the National Registry to determine eligibility to write the practical and written exams. The EMT program is approved by the Arkansas Department of Health: Section of EMS and Trauma Systems, 5800 West 10th Street, Suite 800, Little Rock, AR  72204-1763, phone:  1-501-661-2262.

Students may be admitted to the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Program every semester. Since enrollment in EMT 1010/EMSC 10110 is limited to 20 students, interested individuals are encouraged to register early. Enrollment in the EMT 1010/EMSC 10110 course is on a first-come, first-served basis. No late enrollment is allowed.

Students who enroll in the EMT Program must meet the following criteria:

  1. Fulfill all college admission requirements.
  2. Be at least 18 years of age.
  3. Submit official high school transcript documenting graduation from high school or official Arkansas High School Diploma/GED Certificate to the Registrar’s Office.
  4. Document a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average in all courses taken at PCCUA.
  5. Provide SAT, ACT, NG ACCUPLACER, scores taken within the last four (4) years that meet the minimum skill level in reading, math, and English or an 8th grade reading level on the TABE test.
  6. Students who speak English as a second language must also take the NG ACCUPLACER Exam to prove proficiency in English. The following scores are required in each category.
    • Listening: minimum score of 106
    • Reading: minimum score of 116
    • WritePlacer ESL: minimum score of 5

Students who meet the minimum criteria may enroll in the EMT course.  Enrollment is first-come, first-serve until the class is filled. Transportation to clinical sites is not provided.

After Enrollment

The student must provide the following documents before going to an assigned clinical agency for clinical practice:

  1. Completed Health Statement
  2. Proof of immunization compliance
    • Current Td or Tdap
    • Two (2) Varicella or a positive titer
    • Two (2) MMRs, if born after 1957 or positive titers
    • Initiation of Hepatitis B series or a positive titer
    • Current Flu immunization
  3. Proof of TB skin test (Must be valid for the entire semester.)
  4. Signed Communicable Disease Statement
  5. Current US federal or state issued photo ID, examples include:
    • US passport
    • US military ID
    • State driver’s license
  6. Comply with drug testing
  7. Provide written proof of professional liability insurance within four (4) weeks of the first class meeting. Students who fail to provide proof of professional liability insurance within the first four (4) weeks of class will be administratively withdrawn from the course. Professional liability insurance must be valid for the entire semester the student is enrolled in the EMT course.
  8. Complete a criminal background check.
  9. Obtain within the first two (2) EMT classes American Heart Association (AHA) Basic Life Support CPR certification. AHA Basic Life Support CPR certification must be maintained for the entire duration of the EMT course. AHA Basic Life Support CPR certification that expires any time during the semester the EMT course is offered will NOT be accepted.

Students are expected to furnish their own transportation to school as well as to and from the clinical area.

Group I - None Required

English / Fine Arts - 0 Hours

Group II - None Required

Social Science - 0 Hours

Group III - None Required

Science / Math - 0 Hours

Group IV - None Required

Physical Education - 0 Hours

Group V - None Required

Computer Technology - 0 Hours

Group VI

Required Courses - 16 Hours

Course Code
ACTS Course #
Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits: