Arkansas Statewide Transfer

The Arkansas Course Transfer System (ACTS) contains information about the transferability of courses within Arkansas public colleges and universities.  Students are guaranteed transfer of applicable credits and equitable treatment in application of credits for admissions and degree requirements.  Course transferability is not guaranteed for courses listed in ACTS as “No Comparable Course.”  Additionally, courses with a “D” frequently do not transfer and institutional policies may vary.  ACTS may be accessed on the internet by going to the ADHE Website and selecting Arkansas Course Transfer.  

PCCUA / Common
Course Number


Course Name

PCCUA / Common
Course Number


Course Name

BAN 113 / BUSI 10103

BUSI 1013

Introduction to Business

HY 213 / HIST 21103

HIST 2113 

United States History to 1877

BAN 213 / ACCT 20003

ACCT 2003

Principles of Accounting I

HY 223 / HIST 21203

HIST 2123 

United States History since 1877

BAN 223 / ACCT 20103

ACCT 2013

Principles of Accounting II

MS 123 / MATH 11003

MATH 1103

College Algebra

BAN 233 / BLAW 20303

BLAW 2003

Business Law

MS 133 / MATH 12003

MATH 1203


BAN 263 / BUSI 20103

BUSI 2013

Business Communications

MS 135 / MATH 13005

MATH 1305


BH 123 / SOCI 12363

SOCI 2013

Theories and Treatment of Social Problems

MS 183 / MATH 10003

MATH 1003

College Mathematics

BMGT 283 / BUSI 21003

BUSI 2103

Business Statistics

MS 193 / MATH 11103

MATH 1113

Quantitative Reasoning

BY 114 / BIOL 10004

BIOL 1014

General Biology I

MS 215 / MATH 24005

MATH 2405

Calculus I

BY 124 / BIOL 10204

BIOL 1024

Botany for Non-Majors

MS 223 / MATH 22003

MATH 2203

Survey of Calculus

BY 134 / BIOL 10504

BIOL 1054

General Zoology

MS 225 / MATH 25005

MATH 2505

Calculus II

BY 144 / BIOL 14444

BIOL 1034

General Botany

MS 233 / MATH 26003

MATH 2603

Calculus III

BY 154 / BIOL 24004

BIOL 2404

Anatomy and Physiology I

MS 253 / MATH 21003

MATH 2103

Math Statistics

BY 164 / BIOL 24104

BIOL 2414

Anatomy and Physiology II

MSC 223 / MUSC 20003

MUSC 1003 

Music Appreciation

BY 224 / BIOL 20004

BIOL 2004

Microbiology and Lab

OT 133 / BUSI 11003

BUSI 1103

Keyboarding/Document Processing

CJI 113 / CRJU 10203

CRJU 1023

Introduction to Criminal Justice

PE 223 / HEAL 10003

HEAL 1003

Health & Safety

CT 113 / CPSI 10103

CPSI 1003

Computer Information Systems

PHIL 153 / PHIL 11003

PHIL 1103

Introduction to Philosophy

CY 104 / CHEM 12104

CHEM 1214

Introductory Chemistry

PLS 213 / PLSC 20003

PLSC 2003

American Federal Government

CY 114 / CHEM 14104

CHEM 1414

General Chemistry I

PLS 223 / PLSC 21003

PLSC 2103

State and Local Government

CY 124 / CHEM 14204

CHEM 1424

General Chemistry II

PS 114 / PHSC 10004

PHSC 1004

Physical Science

CY 134 / CHEM 10004

CHEM 1004

Chemistry for Gen Ed Non Majors

PS 144 / ASTR 12034

PHSC 1204

Introduction to Astronomy

CY 204 / CHEM 12204

CHEM 1224

Basic Organic Chemistry

PS 215 / PHYS 20105

PHYS 2014

General Physics I

EH 113 / ENGL 10103

ENGL 1013

Composition I

PS 225 / PHYS 20205

PHYS 2024

General Physics II

EH 123 / ENGL 10203

ENGL 1023

Composition II

PS 235 / PHYS 20305

PHYS 2034

Technical Physics I

EH 233 / ENGL 21103

ENGL 2113

World Literature I

PS 245 / PHYS 20405

PHYS 2044

Technical Physics II

EH 243 / ENGL 21203

ENGL 2123

World Literature II

PSY 213 / PSYC 11003

PSYC 1103

General Psychology

EH 263 / ENGL 26603

ENGL 2663

African-American Literature

PSY 223 / PSYC 21003

PSYC 2103

Human Growth & Development

EH 273 / ENGL 20203

ENGL 2023

Technical Writing

SH 113 / SPAN 10103

SPAN 1013

Beginning Spanish

EH 283 / ENGL 20103

ENGL 2013

Introduction to Creative Writing

SH 123 / SPAN 10203

SPAN 1023

Beginning Spanish II

ES 213 / ECON 21003

ECON 2103

Principles of Macroeconomics

SH 213 / SPAN 20103

SPAN 2013

Intermediate Spanish

ES 223 / ECON 22003

ECON 2203

Principles of Microeconomics

SH 223 / SPAN 20203

SPAN 2023

Intermediate Spanish II

FA 213 / ARHS 10003

ARTA 1003

Fine Arts

SP 123 / THTR 10003

DRAM  1003

Introduction to Theatre

GEOG 213 / GEOG 21343

GEOG 1103 

Introductory Geography

SP 243 / SPCH 24353

SPCH 1003

Fundamentals of Speech

HY 113 / HIST 11103

HIST 1213 

World Civilizations I

SY 213 / SOCI 21363

SOCI 1013 

Fundamentals of Sociology

HY 123 / HIST 11203

HIST 1223 

World Civilizations II




ACTS course numbers are identified in the Catalog by (ACTS #).

NOTE:  Fall 2024, all course numbers at PCCUA changed to Workday numbers.  This year only, both Datatel and Workday numbers will be posted on the PCCUA website.