Business Management


BMGT 233/BUSI 23333: Principles of Management

Common Course Number
BUSI 23333
Lecture Hours 3 Credits 3
Factors that provide a foundation for management practices. Evolution of management, management science, behavioral theory, organization theory, systems concepts, and managerial techniques in planning, organizing, directing and controlling.

BMGT 273/BUSI 27353: Business Management Internship

Common Course Number
BUSI 27353
Lab Hours 9 Credits 3

Students will apply for and be assigned to an approved organization during their last semester under the direct supervision of a management executive and general supervision of the internship coordinator. Students will gain experience in combining classroom theory with on-the-job training.

BMGT 283/BUSI 21003: Business Statistics

Common Course Number
BUSI 21003
Lecture Hours 3 Credits 3
ACTS Equivalent Course Number
BUSI 2103

Statistical methods used in studying business and economic data, averages and dispersions,probability, sampling, statistical inference, estimation, tests of hypothesis, index numbers, linear regression and correlation.