English Strong Start to Finish Pilot on the Helena Campus Only

All students needing English remediation for Basic Writing I take EH 1013 with EH 1011.  If a student places into what was EH 1023 with EH 1021, that student now takes EH 1131, a lab, with EH 113, Comp I.

  1. Students with an ACT 14-18 who score between 226-250 on the NG ACCUPLACER must enroll in the following corequisite course when they enroll in EH 1131 which is linked to EH 113.  The student should be enrolled in the lab first.  EH 113 and lab EH 1131 and the corequisite SS II, SS 111.
  2. Students with ACT 13 or below; or a 225 or lower on the NG ACCUPLACER must enroll in the following courses: EH 1013 and EH 1011 and Student Success I, SS 101.