A Message from the Chancellor

G. Keith Pinchback

THREE WORDS: RIDGE RUNNER BASKETBALL! That sums up what has been the topic of conversation for a couple of years now as we announced major news for athletics here. Welcome to Phillips Community College of the University of Arkansas (PCCUA), where we excitedly await the kickoff of the first collegiate basketball season we have had in over 32 years in what looks like a brand-new facility with brand-new equipment! We have hired two outstanding coaches, whom we have introduced to the community, and they have hit the ground running recruiting players from all over the country, organizing each of their basketball programs, and will soon begin conditioning our newest recruits in preparation for our upcoming season this fall. We can hardly wait to see our men and women players in action on the court and our stands full of supporters, once again!

Aside from athletics, you will find that we are uniquely designed to meet the needs of all of the students we serve in our three-campus district. Our qualified faculty are fully committed to supporting you throughout your academic journey and genuinely care about the well-being of each student. PCCUA continues to be at the top in current state community college rankings by BestColleges.com and Intelligent.com. We are ranked among the very best simply because we are the best at what we do. Our overall goal is to create an environment and college experience where students thrive intellectually and personally, which allows them to take important steps toward building a stronger presence for themselves. Seeing their courage and determination each semester we are reminded of the importance of what we do. As the first community college in the state of Arkansas, we have a lot of experience on our side, and our membership in the University of Arkansas System further allows us to help our students reach their full educational potential upon graduating from Phillips.

As you embark on this exciting journey, I want you to remember that you are not alone. Our campus communities are inclusive and very supportive. Here, you will find classmates, faculty, and staff, who are passionate about helping you succeed. Once again, I welcome you to PCCUA, and we look forward to playing a part in the educational journey that will shape your future.


G. Keith Pinchback, Ed.D.