PCCUA Vision

Imagine a college...

  • Students begin planning a career or academic experience early in life.
  • High school students see it as a first choice for education and training.
  • Student admissions, registration, and enrollment is easy.
  • High quality teaching and learning experiences allow all students to succeed.
  • Exceptional programs and services meet the needs of the students, community, and region.
  • Barriers and obstacles which many students face are removed.
  • Exceptional state of the arts technology and distance learning infrastructure is provided.
  • The college is responsive to the needs of the community, even in times of crisis.
  • Economic development and industry training preparing students for the workforce is a priority.
  • Engaging in the lives of its students, employees, and community is a priority.
  • The community views it as a partner, resource, and change agent.
  • Faculty and staff are provided with professional development, training opportunities, and a positive work environment so they can ensure the best instruction, support for learning, and services.

Imagine a college all people want to attend and a college where everyone wants to work and that is the college we want to be.