Core Competencies of Graduates

All students receiving an associate degree from PCCUA will possess the following STACC Core Competencies:

  • Social and Community Responsibility: Behavior that demonstrates adherence to legal/ethical standards established by society. An individual engaged in social and civic responsibility demonstrate.
  • Technology Utilization: Use of tools of the trade to achieve a specific outcome.  A person who is competent in technology and information literacy recognizes how and what technology to use and when information is needed and has the ability to locate, evaluate, and use it effectively.
  • Analytical and Critical Thinking and Reasoning: Modes of reasoning including analyzing data, evaluating alternatives, setting priorities, and predicting outcomes. A competent analytical and critical thinker evaluates evidence carefully and applies reasoning to decide what to believe and how to act.
  • Communication: The interactive process through which there is an exchange of verbal and/or nonverbal information.  A competent communicator can interact with others using all forms of communication, resulting in understanding and being understood.
  • Cultural Competency:  Commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion within the context of cultural engagement and understanding, acknowledgement that society is diverse with groups of individuals possessing differing beliefs, values, attitudes, and customs that are shared from one generation to the next and one culture to another.  A commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion increases access and assures a better chance to succeed.