Medical Professions Education


MPE 113/ISHP 11003: Introduction to Medical Professions

Common Course Number
ISHP 11003
Lecture Hours 3 Credits 3
Experiences in the Introduction to Medical Professions course are designed to provide students with basic information and skills needed for a career in the health care field. In this comprehensive semester course, emphasis is given to the development of competencies related to Career and Technical Education Student Organizations (CTSOs), medical history and events, health care systems, health care careers,qualities of a successful health care worker, medical ethics and legal responsibilities, and nutrition and health.

MPE 123/ISHP 12003: Introduction to Medical Procedures

Common Course Number
ISHP 12003
Lecture Hours 3 Credits 3
This course allows students to develop specific skills needed in the health professions. Emphasis is given to the development of competenciesrelated to the following areas: safety, infection control, vital signs, CPR and first aid, medical math, abbreviations, and charting.

MPE 133/ISHP 13303: Medical Apprenticeship I

Common Course Number
ISHP 13303
Lab Hours 135 Credits 3

Designed by school faculty and industry representatives to provide classroom and laboratory experiences that prepare students for entry level employment in their career of choice and for entry into post-secondary training. Specialization experiences provided will meet guidelines for a Tech Prep/Apprenticeship program. The laboratory portion may be provided through cooperative/work-based learning, mentoring, apprenticeship, on-the-job-training, clinical experience and/or pre-employment training.

MPE 143/ISHP 14003: Medical Apprenticeship II

Common Course Number
ISHP 14003
Lab Hours 135 Credits 3

This course is a continuation of MPE 133/ISHP 13303 and designed by school faculty and industry representatives to provide classroom and laboratoryexperiences that prepare students for entry level employment in their career of choice and for entry into post-secondary training. Specialization experiences provided will meet guidelines for a Tech Prep/Apprenticeship program. The laboratory portion may be provided through cooperative/work-based learning, mentoring, apprenticeship, on-the-job-training, clinical experience and/or pre-employment training.